Ovronnaz has several cross-country ski trails that start from the Tourbillon Nordic centre. These are pleasant and relaxing routes of varying difficulty through the forest.

1. The Petite Corniche offers both skating and classic trails.
The cross-country trail runs through the heart of the forest, following the Petite Corniche until Lui Teise. It then continues towards Plan Passé and reaches the charming hamlet of Chou. The return is by the same route*.
2. The Grande Corniche offers both skating and classic trails.
One can make a return journey up to the 1513 m altitude marker (1.9 km). This trail is intended exclusively for cross-country skiers.
3. Patiers offers a skating-only trail
From Tourbillon head towards the delightful hamlet of Patiers. The majestic Haut de Cry mountains tower over you. Return by the same route*. An additional loop is available depending on snow conditions.

By snowfall, gradual opening of the cross-country ski trails.

– Day pass Ovronnaz: CHF 12.-
– Weekly pass Ovronnaz: CHF 40.-
– French-speaking Switzerland pass: CHF 100.-
– French-speaking Switzerland + France pass: CHF 160.-
– Switzerland + France Pass: CHF 160.-
 Paiement of day- and week passes at the tourist office or by Twint on site.
Seasonal cards directly by Nordic Muveran : nordicmuverans@gmail.com or 078 639 90 72 / 079 310 72 38
Introduction to cross-country skiing
On Saturday from 7 January to 25 February: « Let’s ski together »
Free. Some equipment for kids available.
From 10:00 am to 12:00 am, meeting at Tourbillon at 9:45 am
Booking until Thursday: nordicmuverans@gmail.com or 078 639 90 72 / 079 310 72 38

Buvette in Tourbillon