10% voucher
Offer: 10% discount for a stay in one of our available accommodations
on the website: www.cvlc.ch
- For all stays of 4 consecutive nights
- In an available accommodation (for 2 to 10 people)
- Offer valid until 26.01.2024, please note, offer not valid from 23.12.23 to 5.01.2024
- Mention the promo code: winter (offer not combinable)
- bed linens, towels, kitchen linens, and final cleaning included, local taxes not included
Chalet reservations
Magic Pass 2023-2024
Get your Magic Pass: 69 resorts!
- 459.- adult
- 269.- child
- Get it now: the price will rise
- Pool option: relax in our 13 mountain pools, spas and thermal centers
- 249.- adult / 149.- child
- 31 resorts in summer
10% off Rhodos A
When booking your holiday accommodation for 4 to 6 people at RHODOS A
- For stays of more than 2 nights
- In a single storey flat with a large terrace at Rhodos A
- Offer valid until 23 December
- Enter promo code: automne23 (cannot be combined)
- Bed linen, towels, kitchen, linen and final cleaning included, plus tourist tax
- Welcome gift
Magic Pass – Interhome
Magic Pass holders get a 10% discount on vacation
- 10% discount for the Magic Pas holders
- Booking: any stay until 30.04.2024
- Show your Magic Pass
Eurolocation - Interhome Tel. +41 (0)27 306.46.36 info@eurolocation.ch www.eurolocation.ch